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Ohio river catfishing for Catfish! Suspend drifting and Bumping for Blue catfish!
Suspend drifting the Ohioriver for catfish! A technique used to control the boat while drifting.
This is how I set up for bumping the Ohioriver in less then 2mph current. Catching bluecatfish.
Monster Catfish, Big Bluecatfish, Suspend drifting the Ohio River!
Suspend Drifting for Ohio River Catfish with Captain Terry Rogers of Hooked on Cats Catfishing
Fishing the ohio river for Bluecatfish, channel catfish and Flathead catfish
Fast Action Blue Catfish on the Ohio River - Suspend Drifting - Shane Williams Outdoors
Fast action, Massive Takedowns!! Drifting the Ohio river Channel cat, Blue catfish, Flathead catfish
Tips and Tricks for Catching More Catfish While Drift Fishing.
Ohio river Catfishing, suspend drifting for Bluecatfish. Using carp and chicken for bait!
Ohioriver Catfishing, Bumping and drifting to catch Blue catfish, River level was almost normal.
Suspend Drifting the Ohio River for the Catfish Trifecta - Giant Flathead